A lot of the people you see around you every day who appear to have perfect vision are actually wearing contact lenses. Despite what you may have heard or assumed, contact lenses are comparably affordable to eyeglasses, while also being both comfortable to wear and easy to get accustomed to. But first, you make sure you’re getting the right contacts for your individual needs. Here at Clifford Silverman, OD Optometry, our experienced team can provide you with high-quality contact lenses and contact lens exams in Lancaster, from standard single-use soft lenses to “hard to fit contacts” that address particular challenges.

The First Step: Your Contact Lens Exam

If you’ve already received a corrective lens prescription at our optometry clinic, you might be surprised to learn that another exam is necessary for contact lenses. But our contact lens exams in Lancaster are a crucial part of the process. Since your contacts will be positioned directly on the eyes (instead of simply perching on the face as glasses do), we must take precise measurements or your pupils, irises, and corneas. Basic corneal measurements are obtained with an illuminated instrument called a keratometer, but we also use an extremely precise digital technique called corneal topography to “map” the corneal surfaces down to every tiny irregularity.

Selecting Contact Lenses in Lancaster

Your optometrist in Lancaster CA will also use the contact lens exam to review your ocular health and lifestyle preferences as part of the selection process. Certain eye issues such giant papillary conjunctivitis (an inflammatory reaction to accumulated proteins on lenses) and dry eye may dictate what kinds of contacts you can comfortably wear. Extreme refractive errors or abnormalities such as keratoconus (a cone-shaped bulge in the corneal tissue) may also require specialized solutions, while an aversion to constant lens cleaning might indicate that you’ll be better off with disposable lenses.

Need Specialty Contacts? We’ve Got Them

Once your optometrist in Lancaster CA has a clear picture of your needs, it’s time to select your contacts. We offer a wide range of options — from soft lenses, which provide the ultimate in comfort, to RGP (rigid gas permeable) lenses, which can correct even extreme prescriptions. You may have a choice of single-use or extended-wear lenses as well. Last but not least, we offer specialty contacts such as:

  • Multifocal lenses for patients with presbyopia
  • Toric lenses from astigmatism
  • Scleral contacts for keratoconus
  • Lenses made from moisture-retaining materials for dry eye sufferers

Whatever special challenge your eyes may present, we can most likely fit you with the perfect “hard to fit contacts” to overcome that challenge. Once you have your contact lenses in Lancaster, we will be happy to conduct multiple fittings until you’re completely satisfied with them.

Contact Your Lancaster Optometrist For Contact Lenses
Our optometry clinic is ready to provide you with discreet, comfortable, accurate vision correction. Call Clifford Silverman, OD Optometry at 661-945-9883 to schedule the necessary evaluations for your contact lenses!